
Section 24 of the Proceeds of Crimes Act 2002 (Cth) allows the defendant to apply for an allowance for living expenses amongst other things and in certain circumstances to be provided from restrained property. In the recent case of The Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police v Memon (No. 2) [2020] NSWSC 1636, a tender of evidence concerning […]Continue reading


Proceeds of Crime Examinations Compulsory examinations are one of the most powerful tools that come out of the POCA. They are broadly analogous to coercive examination powers contained in state confiscation legislation (which is run by the NSW Crime Commission in NSW), and coercive examination powers in ICAC inquiries. Often Examinations are sought in the […]Continue reading


Custody and Control Part of the POCA regime is to allow the Official Trustee (being AFSA) to take custody and control of property covered by a restraining order if the court is satisfied that this is required. This is obviously required to give effect to restraining orders and stop people dissipating certain property.


Production Orders A production order is a Magistrate made order under the application of an AFP Officer for documents. The documents requested have a broad ambit,[1] and are predominantly aimed at identifying, locating or quantifying property for POCA proceedings. The test is that the Magistrate is satisfied by information on oath that the person is […]Continue reading